Friday, July 23, 2021

United We Fall

     "...I didn't accept the job because I believe God is calling me into the ministry."  These words forever altered the course of my life.  As I heard them, they awakened the inkling of that calling in my own heart.  Receiving a calling from the Lord can be dramatic and exciting, but that isn't all it is.  

    Over the years, I have been blessed to be part of several different ministries.  I have majorly worked for one (in a few different states), but I have volunteered for several others.  Serving the Lord can be exciting and wonderful.  In my experiences, I have gained camaraderie with fellow servants of the Lord, fruit for the kingdom, and deep satisfaction and joy.  On the other hand, I have also experienced conflicts, spiritual warfare, and persecution.  None of that should be a surprise.  The Bible tells us to expect these things in our service to God--both the good and the bad.  I am sure you have experienced these things as well.  And yet some of the difficulties still strike me as so very wrong, and preventable.  How can we, as Christian workers, make our ministries places of excellence?  How can we work to ensure that the difficulties that come are truly from the outside, and not caused by our lack of proper planning and awareness?  Can we make our ministries safe places for others?  

     First Peter 1:13 says, So prepare your minds for action and exercise self-control. Put all your hope in the gracious salvation that will come to you when Jesus Christ is revealed to the world.  We need to prepare for battle!  

     In thinking through the beautiful and difficult times in ministry over the years, I have felt God impressing on my heart to write a new book on the subject, entitled United We Fall.  This short, quick-reading account examines several wonderful and difficult experiences in ministry--my own and those of others who have shared with me.  The purpose is two-fold.  First, the goal is to bring healing, validation and encouragement to those who have had similar experiences.  Secondly, biblical responses are given to these true stories, and game plans are laid in order to improve ministries and prevent future repeats of some of these difficult experiences.  A biblical view is given, and the tone is one of encouragement for moving forward in the race marked out for you.  Available from Amazon, the paperback can be purchased for $3.99.  You can go look at it on Amazon by clicking here.  Or, for a limited time, you can reach out to me for a free copy mailed straight from me to you!  My only request is that, after reading, you write an honest review on Amazon (if you don't, no consequence will befall, I would just really appreciate it).  
To take advantage of this deal, go to my author page on Facebook (Janelle Stoermer, Author) and send me a private message with your name and postal address.  I look forward to seeing how God continues to bless all of our ministries in the future!  

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