Friday, September 9, 2022

God Never Forgets

   God is infinite, whereas we live in the confines of time.   This means God's perspective is vastly different than ours.  His is perfect, while ours is limited.  Isaiah 40:28 says that ...there is no searching of his understanding.  Isaiah 55:9 reminds us For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.  

     As humans contending with life on earth, we move on in time.  Our perspectives change.  We forget.  But God never forgets. I had an experience this week that reminded me of this fact.

     I received a message from an old friend, basically out of the blue.  She reached out and shared how her life has gone in some bad directions, and she has experienced some very deep hurt.  I hadn't talked with this friend since we were teenagers (mid-90s).  It seemed both odd and flattering that she thought enough of our old friendship to reach out and share this personal info with me.  And suddenly, I was transported back in time, over 25 years.  

Me (the tallest girl pictured) as a young adolescent, 1993--the age I was when I met this friend, though she is not with me in the picture. The two younger girls with me here eventually outgrew me, and now I'm the shortest of the three of us!

     As a teenage girl, I desperately longed to witness to this friend.  My heart felt very burdened for her.  I knew she wasn't saved.  Her family was part of a cult.  They used some Christian lingo, but didn't know the real gospel.  That made witnessing to her very complicated, since she thought she knew the truths I did.  I never really figured out a way to convey the truth to her in a way she would understand.  I regretted that.  I remember one particular day, sitting down to write her a letter about Christ, but no matter what I wrote, it didn't seem like it would explain how the truth of the Bible was different from her cult. I never sent the letter.  Life moved onward, and we lost touch.  I forgot about her, and my burden to share Christ with her.  I had other things to focus on.  But that didn't mean God forgot her, or my burden to share with her.

     Suddenly, now, in 2022, I had this long-ago friend sharing her struggles with me.  And that memory of wanting to share the gospel with her came back so strongly, it was as if I were living it all over again.  I was once again that teenager from another century, sitting down to write that letter.  This was my time!  The fulfillment of something I once longed for, but had forgotten.  

     Praying as I did so, I replied, depending on God's help with the right words to show compassion and friendliness.  Then, I told her about Christ, and what He has done for me, and can do for her.  I don't know what she will do with this information, or our friendship.  That isn't up to me.  But God called on me to share Him with one who needs him so desperately.  It was an honor to serve.  Please pray for her salvation. 

   This experience was more than witnessing to an unsaved individual (thought it was that, and that is vital).  It was also seeing God being faithful to the desire of a teenager-turned-middle-ager. And if He did this with my burden to share with a friend, He does it with the other burdens that He has given us.  He never forgets what is important to us.  Psalm 37:4 says Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart.  The fulfillment is in His timing.  Isaiah 46:10 says, Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure.  Ecclesiastes 3:11 adds that, He has made everything beautiful in its time...  God knows the difference between a real heart's desire from Him, and what is just a passing fancy.  

     I think of Simeon.  He waited his whole life for the Messiah.   God had told him he would live to see Him in his lifetime.   When Simeon saw baby Jesus, he knew the joy of a fulfilled desire, and knew he had lived his purpose.  He said in Luke 2:29-32, Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you may now dismiss your servant in peace.  For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all nations: a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and glory to your people Israel.  

     Life moves on, but God never forgets.  He keeps everything that matters to you, even after you've given up.  The moral is, don't give up!  Give into Him!  He specializes in bringing dead dreams to life when they're committed to Him! I'll close with a quote by Martin Luther:  I have held many things in my hands, and I have lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God's hands, that I still possess.

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