Monday, October 14, 2024

Who is Jesus?

     God created us in His image (Genesis 1:27) but often, our temptation is to make God in our image.  Some people have made idols --graven images--of what think God should be.   I imagine most of you reading this have never literally worshipped a graven image.  But many of us still make God in our own image.  By that, I mean that we only see the attributes of God that suit us.  Some only see Him as a God of love, without seeing His righteousness.  Some only see His justice, without seeing His forgiveness.  Some people who don't even acknowledge Him most of the time are very quick to say, "But the Bible says not to judge!" While the Bible does say Judge not, lest you be judged... (Matthew 7:1), those who disregard the rest of scripture and quote this verse are taking it out of context and using it for their own selfish ends.  Out in the world, people make God out to be a god to their liking.  

     What about Bible-believing Christians?  Do we do it too?  Clearly, we are not bowing to statues and worshiping them.  And hopefully, we aren't denying some of God's attributes to overemphasize others.  And yet we can still fall into that.  This is most common when we look at Jesus, God the Son.  

     In Matthew 16:15, Jesus asked a crucial question: But who do you say that I am?  Our answer to that question determines where we will spend eternity.  Peter got it right when he answered Jesus, You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.  (Matthew 16:16).  There are a lot of things we can disagree on, but if we don't agree on who Jesus is, we're in trouble.  Jesus Himself said, I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.  (John 14:6).  Jesus described Himself as the only way to God, at the exclusion of all other ways.  This is a far cry from our pluralistic society, that wants everyone to just affirm all beliefs as being right and good.  Some even say that Jesus wants us all to agree and get along at all costs, and they paint Jesus as a wimpy little peace guru who never stands for anything.  I don't know what Jesus they're talking about, but it isn't the Jesus of the Bible.  

     A lot of religions include Jesus as an important figure, but He isn't seen as Divine.  To Muslims, Jesus was a prophet.  To many Hindus, Jesus is a guru.  To some Buddhists, Jesus is an ascended being, having lived many previous lives.  To Jehovah's Witnesses, Jesus is the archangel Michael, and the first created being.  To Mormons, Jesus is our elder spirit brother, as well as the brother of Lucifer, who achieved godhood, and paid for our sins through his sweat in the Garden of Gethsemane (not through His blood at Calvary).  To Progressive (so-called) Christians, Jesus was a carpenter in ancient Palestine who set an example, and only "became" Christ by inspiring others (and he only rose from the dead in the minds of those who follow his example. See here.).  

     It is easy to look at these other belief systems and think, "They believe in Jesus.  Maybe they're not that far off.  Maybe we should think of them as our brothers and sisters in Christ."  That sounds so kind, and a part of me would love to agree, but that just isn't biblical, or logical.  They believe in Jesus, but which Jesus?  Jesus the Lord?  Jesus, God the Son, the Son of God?  No.  None of these false belief systems can say that.  What if I had a cup of water, and I decided to call it "Jesus" and believe in that cup of water, and I told everyone, "I believe in Jesus.  See?"  Well, I'm saying the right words, that I believe in Jesus, but that cup of water is not Jesus!  The same is true of the Jesus each of these groups espouses.  

     Jesus came to save us from the penalty of our sins, by taking it upon Himself when He died on the cross, conquering it when he rose on the third day.  While He walked this earth, He showed us what God was like.  That is why Colossians 1:15 refers to Him as, the image of the invisible God.  Jesus, along with God the Father and the Holy Spirit, created all things (John 1:3, Colossians 1:16-17).  Jesus said that He and the Father were one (John 8:31).  He is the God of love who left His kingdom for a time, in order to bring people back with Him (John 1:14).  He is the God of creation, who calmed the storm (Mark 4:39).  He is the righteous Lord, who challenged those who perverted God's word (John 8:31-59).  He is the forgiving Savior, who delivered demoniacs, adulteresses, and others suffering with ailments, but He also urged them to sin no more (John 5:14; John 8:11).  I love how the Christian and Missionary Alliance (an evangelical denomination) calls Jesus our Savior, Sanctifier, Healer and Coming King.  That sums it up quite well.  

     A lot of people like to see Jesus as our example.  Other's see Him as a political revolutionary.  Still others, misunderstanding his interactions with the Pharisees, see Jesus as someone who just wanted to rock the boat and challenge the status quo.  These perceptions of Jesus are so limited, and not really true.  Jesus is God.  He is our only hope of eternal life.  He is the Savior.  One day, every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord (Philippians 2:11).  Those who deny Jesus now, or those who like to see Him in their image, will one day be humbled, and will bow their knee to the real and reigning Savior, Jesus Christ.  For many, it will be too late, and their acknowledgement of Jesus will come from hell (Philippians 2:10).  We need to be introducing others to the real Jesus before it is too late (Today is the day of salvation--Second Corinthians 6:2).  

     If you love the Lord and believe the Bible, you likely have the correct answer to the question of who Jesus is.  But here is a way many true Christians  still often reduce and minimize Jesus.  Jesus becomes a theological concept, rather than the God who saves us and wants a relationship with us.  Mind you, it is vital to have correct theology about who Jesus is.  That's what I've been saying this whole post.  But if we leave it at that, we are a lot like those Paul warned Timothy about, Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof... (Second Timothy 3:5).  Some develop an almost robotic Christian walk, reading the Bible out of duty, obeying it's claims and commands, and then going about their day in their own strength, rather than letting God speak to our hearts, and specifically seeking His guidance and will in every situation.  Jesus said in John 10:27, My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.  Correct beliefs about Jesus won't just stay correct beliefs, but will lead to deeper closenesswith Him.  I hold correct beliefs about George Washington--he was the first President of the United States.  He died in 1799, at age 67.  He was married to Martha from 1757 until his death.  He was the only US President who never lived in the White House (because it wasn't built until John Adams was President).  See.  I know a lot of correct info about George Washington.  But I'm not depending on good old George to get me through the day, guide my life, or make an impact on my day-to-day decisions.  Jesus isn't just a theological concept to be believed, but a Lord to know and follow, just as the disciples followed Him on earth.  You hear His voice when you read the Bible, and allow the Holy Spirit to speak truth to your heart.  

     Who do you say Jesus is?  Think hard about that before you answer.  Your eternity is resting on what you believe.  Jesus is the Image of God, our Lord, and our God.  Thomas was known as a doubter, but when he saw the risen Savior, he exclaimed, My Lord and my God!  (John 20:28).  Is that who He is to you?  Search God's word for answers, and ask Him to search your heart, to see if you have made Jesus in your life who the Bible says He is.  

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