I just watched an online video that has me wound up (here is the link to the video, if you want to know what I'm referencing: https://www.facebook.com/RantNationCRTV/videos/410543489449887/ ). I need to interact with it, and pray your indulgence as I do so. This video was of a man sharing his recent experience of a Christian woman telling him she wanted to like him, but couldn't stand to look at him because of his numerous tattoos. She said they took away from his message. The rest of the video was a five-minute rant against Christianity. This video is being shared and agreed with by Christians, and that scares me.
One of the comments he made early on is that he hates religion and Christianity, although he loves Jesus. Man-made religion is one thing, but the religion of the Bible, Christianity, is not man-made. It is from God. You can't love Jesus and hate His people. First John 4:20 says If someone says, "I love God," and hates his brother, he is a liar; for the one who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen.
This man self-righteously blasts Christians because this woman made a hurtful remark about his tattoos. What he doesn't realize is that nobody is required to like his tattoos. This isn't kindergarten where we have to say "happy words to all our friends." There is no place for rudeness, but when he got those tattoos, he had to realize that not everyone likes tattoos. He needs to take responsibility for that.
I once had someone who was not Caucasian make a rude remark to me because I have red hair. It was really shocking. It was actually a tow truck driver who almost refused to let me ride in his truck because he was so prejudiced against redheads. I was desperate, and rode with him anyway, and the whole time, I had to listen to him put me down because of my hair, and tell me what a bad temper I supposedly had, etc. Now, what if I had made an online video blasting people of this man's race because of what he said to me? Would that be right? Would it be justified? No way! I would rightly be viewed as a bigot for blaming and disliking all people of this race because of this one tow truck driver. Yet, that's what this man in the video did. One Christian person disliked his tattoos and commented as such in an impolite way, and he's acting like a spoiled baby, saying very mean and hateful things against Christians, telling us what we're all thinking and doing. That's a lot more judgmental than the woman's initial comment.
Another concern is the way he talked about the woman. He didn't demonstrate the love and forgiveness Jesus asks of us (Luke 6:37-38). He referred to her as "Christian" (air quotes as he said the word Christian). In other words, he doesn't think she's really a Christian. Now who's judgmental? This woman made a rude comment, but nobody can deduce whether or not she's really saved based on that. Saved people say wrong things sometimes. We're not perfect yet. Yet, this man thinks he has the right to determine whether or not she's born again for real. Christianity isn't how you act. It's who you know. If this woman really has repented of her sins and put her faith in Jesus Christ for salvation, she is a Christian, not a "Christian". The Lord needs to work on her heart. What she said wasn't right. Hopefully, the longer we walk with Christ, the less we say hurtful things to others, and the more we exemplify Christ. But there's another point here...
It is not judgmental to dislike tattoos. To assume something about a person because of tattoos may or may not be be judgmental. It really all depends. By the same token, it isn't judgmental to dislike red hair. We all have different things we find attractive and unattractive. What is wrong is when we voice those things to people, or let it prejudice us against them. I've said before and I'll say again: Judging is drawing wrong conclusions without having all the facts. Disliking or disagreeing with something isn't judging. People need to learn to use the word correctly. As far as God is concerned, we are free to disagree with others (and we should disagree, if it's something that goes against God's word!). I only wish we were free to do so without other humans falsely accusing us of "judging"
Not in any way am I defending the woman who made the hurtful comment to this man in the video. My concern is his bitter, hateful response to all Christians. That's what Satan wants to see, God's people put down, and even agreeing with it! There is a trend nowadays with Christians putting Christianity down, and that really scares me. Jesus gave His life for the church. We belong to God. We are not perfect, but are becoming more like Him daily. We are in the sanctification process, and are hopefully better than we were a year ago. I hope I am.
Matthew 12:36 says: But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken. This is sobering, because we have all said things we shouldn't. We need to watch what we say, especially about God's people.
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