Thursday, June 20, 2019

Mini Miracles

     I was sick, barely holding in the bronchial cough.  I was at work anyway, partly because I didn't want to leave an already skeleton crew in the lurch, and partly because I hadn't yet accrued sick leave.  I love my job at the Christian preschool, although it is a challenge.  I alternate between two pre-Kindergarten classes every day, teaching one in the morning, and then supervising the other in the afternoon.  The morning class is a joy and a delight.  The kids are fun and well-behaved.  The afternoon class is the challenge.  The class is double the size of the other one, first of all.  Secondly, about half this class contains every rowdy little boy in the school.  It requires a lot of quick thinking and action to keep everyone under control and to maintain order.  Today, amidst not feeling well, I felt incredibly stressed.  Several of these little boys were out of control, and I was alone with them (as I said, it's a skeleton crew this week).  I felt like losing my mind!  In full candor, I admit that I even had some very uncharitable thoughts toward these little boys.  Immediately, I felt convicted for this, and confessed it to God in my heart.  I also asked God for His love for them.  I have never seen that prayer go unanswered.  God loves to give us love for others.  His agape love never fails.  My attitude toward these rambunctious boys immediately made an about-face.  I had never seen such a quick change in myself before, and that is the first miracle.  In my own strength, I rued their existence!  In God's, I loved them fiercely!  God changed me.  But then, He did more miracles!

      I was able to talk to one of them very gently and asked him why he was making bad choices.  This boy had thrown his lunchbox at another teacher earlier, spit on several classmates, mocked me, and defied every way he possible could.  But when I asked him (after my prayer), he looked very sad and said, "I hate being at school all day.  I want to be at home.  I want my mom and dad to play a game with me, and watch a movie and eat dinner."  My heart went out to him, and this was the first time this little boy had been open with me.  I hugged him and sympathized, telling him that I sometimes want to be at home too (not to mention I really wanted to be at home then, in a hot tub, sipping something hot for my cold).  I was able to pray with this little boy, and he asked God to help him make better choices.  And he did!  He started playing kindly with other kids in a way I had never seen!  More miracles
.Image result for little boy praying

     The best part of all was that another little boy, who is also incredibly difficult, was really at his worst.  Long story, but he crossed a line quite seriously.  I was going to take him to the office, but he started crying, begging me not to.  This wasn't just the cry of a kid trying to get out of trouble.  There was grief.  God made me aware of it (on my own, I would have missed it).  I sat down with him and asked him why he was making these choices.  He started crying and said, "I can't be good!  I want to, but I can't!"  I sensed this five-year-old was being convicted of his sin, and recognizing his own depravity and need of Christ.  The teacher who is with them in the morning constantly tells them about asking Jesus into their hearts.  I seized on this, and had a conversation with this little boy about Jesus.  He demonstrated a true understanding of who Jesus is and what Jesus has done for us.  He wanted to ask Jesus into his heart.  He prayed, "Jesus, I'm sorry for my sins.  Please come in and forgive me!  I know You died for me!  Amen."  When he opened his eyes, there was a light that hadn't been there before.  He smiled and told me, "I'm going to Heaven!"  

Image result for heaven

     I was at my weakest, physically, mentally, and even spiritually (being sick will do that to you), but that's when God shines the brightest.  His strength is made perfect in weakness!  I'm so thankful!

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