What are some things that you, as a believer, can do? According the scripture, you can do all things through Christ! (Philippians 4:13). But what does that mean? Is this verse a promise that we can always have the outcomes we want in a situation? I have seen people use this verse to claim things that we are not promised, such as winning a contest, achieving certain results, or material gain. What is the "everything" we can do through Christ? In short, it is everything we are called to do. In context, the Apostle Paul was talking to the Philippians about being able to get along with very little, or with plenty. God can enable us to accomplish what He has called us to do. We can have spiritual victory. We can have a victorious perspective, even in the face of defeat. We can press on toward the next thing God has for us (Philippians 3:14--a chapter earlier!). There are many things that the power of God in our lives can help us do.
The problem I have found is that sometimes, people attempt to accomplish things that only God can do. I have been guilty of this myself. Perhaps you have as well. Most of the time, people are well-meaning, and what they want is good and godly. It just isn't humanly possible. Maybe it would be easier to explain if I gave some examples.
1) Only God can save.
As Christians, we are commanded to preach the gospel, but we are never commanded to save anyone. Only God does that. Only God draws people to understand and believe the gospel. We might be tempted to try harder to be persuasive. We might try harder to create this "come to Jesus" environment. In John 6:44, Jesus said, No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him. In Ephesians 2:8, we are told that even the faith to receive Christ is not of your own doing. It is the gift of God. In First Corinthians 2:4, the Apostle Paul wrote, and my message and my preaching were not in persuasive words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power. Conversion is a work of the Spirit, not a work of the person sharing the Gospel. We do our best, and God uses us, but only He can convince someone of the truth.
I remember, many years ago, I worked at a Christian day care center. There was a very sweet first grader named Mikey. One Monday, I was chatting with Mikey while he dug in the sand on the playground. I ended up sharing the gospel with him, explaining about sin, Christ, and salvation. I told him how a person could respond to God's invitation, but I didn't ask him to do it. The next day, I shared with Mikey again, and he listened intently. I repeated this every day as I had opportunity to talk with him on the playground. All week, he listened politely to me, not saying much, but taking it in. By Friday, I thought, "He's heard it all week. He must be ready now!" So once again, I shared the gospel, but this time, I asked him if he wanted to receive Christ. He responded, "Why should I do it today? I already did it on Monday the first time you told me about it!" God had saved this boy, and I didn't have any clue! It's His work, but He lets us help!
2) Only God can open doors.
In Acts 16, Paul attempted to go share Christ in Asia, but, for reasons we don't fully understand, the Holy Spirit prevented him. Instead, God used a dream to cause Paul to go to Philippi (and that is the beginning of the gospel in Europe, and by extension, the beginning of the gospel to North and South America, Australia, and yes, even to Asia). God closed doors, and opened doors. He does the same with us today. Revelation 3:7-8 tell us that God opens and no one will shut, who shuts and no one opens. "‘I know your works. Behold, I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut..." I know I have often seen closed doors as a sign that I didn't try hard enough, or that I need to push harder. What I really need to be doing is seeking the Lord's perspective. Sometimes, we need to seek Him, asking Him what He is doing, and what He wants us to do. He always answers when we ask, and it can save a lot of time and frustration! There may be times when a seemingly closed door isn't really being closed by God, and God might want you to soldier through until you see results. It takes God's guidance to see which doors are open to us.
Right now, in my current ministry, I am attempting to start a Good News Club at a certain location. It has been a very slow process. We've hit a few walls. Is God opening this door or not? Well, right now, we have an open door to at least promote the Bible Club, and generate interest from families. That is our open door at the moment. Until God closes that door, or leads us to change what we're doing, we are attempting to walk through the door. Pray for us about this!
3) Only God can convict someone, create vulnerability between believers, and change lives.
That might sound like several points in one. They might not seem as if they really connect, but they can. I have been in so many ministry situations (Bible studies, mission teams, etc.) where the person in charge really wanted to make deep impressions on us, and made speeches that were intended to be life-changing, convict and change us, make us open up and share really personal things with each other, and ultimately change our lives. When God creates that, it is a beautiful thing. When people try to create it, it falls short. John 16:8 says that the Holy Spirit convicts of sin. Clearly, we do not. God might use something you or I say to reveal to someone their need to repent, but in our own strength, we'll only make people mad! As for creating vulnerability, bonds between believers are so special that a watching world should know we are Christ's disciples (John 13:35). That is a work of the Spirit. As we have already seen, only God can work in people's lives (which goes with salvation, as well as conviction of sin or personal guidance in a believer's life).
I have recently been in a group with some very precious Christian women. This group wasn't the best fit for me. One aspect of the group was that there was this deep question asked every week for us to think about for next time. The questions always involved confessing our wretchedness to each other. The questions were also very specific, and weren't really focused on areas where I was personally struggling. When I would try to either give an answer from my life that sort of related to what they were asking, or just share how God was leading and convicting me, my answers weren't considered good enough. What I was struggling with or working on in my life didn't meet whatever imaginary criterion the leader was looking for. When I tried being honest and saying that I wasn't dealing with the issue in the question, I was met with, "Oh, I get it. You think you're perfect." That really frustrated me. I certainly am not perfect. I simply wasn't struggling where the rest of the group thought I should be. I have my own walk with the Lord. He convicts me when I sin, and I try to make it right with Him and anyone else involved as soon as possible. The reaction from the group I was in almost made me feel as if I needed to go out, commit a sin, not repent of said sin, and then come back next week so I could confess it there. I know that these ladies love the Lord deeply. I see the Spirit in their lives. They are wonderful. I know they would never want anyone to go out and commit sin! But I guess where I was at just wasn't where they were. This group might be really meeting needs for them, but the way I experienced it was very condemning. I felt like it was trying to force us to be vulnerable with each other, and then when I even tried, I felt rejected when my sins aren't in the same areas they are currently struggling. That stung. I then also felt as if it was set up so we would be convicted of all these sins...when in reality, whoever came up with the questions has NO idea what each person is really dealing with or growing in. Only God can do that. That dynamic didn't work for me. We need to try and let the Spirit lead in each of our lives.
Additionally, I have had so many times where God used something someone said in my life, and when I later told the person, they were amazed, and said, "I don't even remember saying that!" I have been in the place of that person too, where someone has told me something I said impacted them, and I didn't even remember. That shows that God uses it. It isn't us trying to make an impression or create something.
4) Only God can heal and restore.
There are many other things that only God can do, but I am going to close with these. God is in control of our lives. His will ultimately happens. He can heal us--physically, emotionally, and spiritually. He has that power. He uses people (doctors, for example), but He is our healer. Exodus 15:26 says, I am the Lord that healeth thee. Sometimes, physical healing is within His will. Other times, it isn't. His grace is sufficient. When believers die, that is really another kind of healing. If you are a believer, healing and perfection are in your future (Revelation 21:4). He also heals and restores our lives, relationships and experiences.
My husband and I were supporting a very sweet young missionary named Benny. Benny was in his early 30's, and was so faithful to the Lord. He struggled with a health issue, but he never let that stop him. One day, though, he went into the hospital, and God called him home shortly thereafter. A few weeks beforehand, I was chatting with him online. I wanted to share something with him that was on my heart, but I got a check in my spirit. It was as if the Lord was telling me not to say it, so I didn't. If I had, it would have been totally contradictory to what God was doing in his life, getting ready to bring him home to Heaven. I truly believed healing was God's will, but I was wrong. I am very glad I kept that to myself. Only God knows what He is planning to do. He did heal Benny. It just wasn't the way we had hoped. Benny is in completely perfect health and joy in the Presence of Jesus, and would never wish to be back here. We grieve the loss of his earthly life and ministry. We must have God's perspective.
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Benny's missionary prayer card |
I have had experiences where I tried to restore broken relationships. My intentions were good, but I wasn't being led by the Spirit. My overtures were met by people who were not at a place where they wanted to receive it. Sometimes, people are in our past and not our present for a reason. God is sill at work with them and with us, but maybe not together. We need to let Him restore and heal things.
Since only God can do these things, how are we to move forward? Galatians 5:25 gives us the answer: Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. If we keep in step with what God is doing, and then we join Him, we will see that we truly can do all things through Christ!
What are some other things that only God can do? Let me know, and maybe I'll write a "PART II" to this!
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