I have heard some of the sweetest, strangest, and funniest things from children over the years of ministry. I'm going to share some of these anecdotes. Hope you enjoy!
*10-year-old Jessica was trying to share Christ with a friend. She came to me, distraught. She told me what her friend had said. "She says Jesus wasn't really born on December twenty-fifth!" Jessica looked as if she thought this quite a heresy. "I told her, 'You check the Bible! It's in there! Jesus was born on December 25!'" Well, at least she had an evangelist's fervor!
*Six-year-old Kelly had indicated she wanted to receive Christ as her Savior in a Good News Club I was teaching. I talked with her, and she seemed to understand what it meant to trust in Christ. So I helped her pray the sinner's prayer. Her prayer went something like this: "Jesus, I'm sorry for my sins. I believe in You. Come into my heart...and please let me have a lollipop!"
*I was driving a group of students to AWANA. My car started having trouble. I said to myself, "I need to have the car's idle checked out." Five-year-old EJ overheard me and asked, "Why do you have an idol in your car? I thought you said idols are bad?"
*When asked to name three of the Ten Commandments in a Bible Trivia game in my Sunday school class, nine-year-old Hannah said, "No smoking, do drinking, no doing drugs!"
*I always took junior high students to the fair to do evangelism. When I share the gospel with a child and I talk about sin, I also ask, "Can you tell me a sin a boy or girl your age might do?" This gets the child involved in the discussion. Anyway, at the fair that day, I had Hannah (from the above anecdote), now age twelve. Having heard me share the gospel for years, she copied my ways. While sharing the story with a woman, Hannah asked her, "Can you tell me a sin an adult your age might do?" I cringed and laughed at the same time. The woman graciously didn't go into inappropriate territory, but said, "I guess if I park in a handicapped spot and I'm really not handicapped."
*We had one really difficult boy in our church whom I'll call Tom. He came with a lot of difficult behavior problems. One day, he had been especially inappropriate, and I felt I needed to talk with some of the other kids' parents about what had happened so that if they heard it from their children, they would know it had been dealt with. Anyway, as I was talking with one mother, this difficult boy Tom started walking back toward the church (he had walked home already). Seeing him coming, I whispered, "Speak of the devil!" 10-year-old Camden overheard me and said, "Tom's not the devil, he's Satan's favorite demon!"
*First grader Johnny started the 23rd Psalm, "The Lord is my shepherd, which I don't want. He makes me lie on green pastors and steals my soul." He wasn't trying to be rude or funny. He really thought that's what it said!
*Seven-year-old Eric began the Lord's Prayer, "Our Father, who art in Heaven, Hollywood be Thy name..."
*I had one of my Good News Clubs memorize the books of the Bible. 11-year-old Cameron took a long time, but finally got them all. Along the way, here are some of his tries: "Genesis...Exodus...Ludicrous" At the end of the Old Testament: "Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Anaheim!"
*I had a group of my Sunday school kids over at my house to bake cookies. One of the boys, Justin, got very hyper and out of control. He and another boy got a little bit destructive in their silliness. I had to ask them to sit in the living room for a minute (to help them calm down). When I went in to talk with them, Justin was crying. Before I could say a word, he said, "I have sinned against God and against you!" From then on, he behaved himself.
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